Virgin Hair Tips

1. Treat your Hairfienz virgin hair like your hair or better.

          -It is important to treat your virgin hair with lots of TLC because good care will allow your virgin hair to last very long as well as maintain the quality.

2.  DO NOT let your virgin hair get DRY.

              -Just like your own hair dryness leads to breakage and can cause tangling which damages your hair.

              -Keep your hair moisturized with products such as Moroccan Argan oil, hair polish or gloss.

3. Use Sulfate and Paraban FREE shampoo and condition on your virgin hair.

              -Hairfienz uses the product line Organix that can be found at local stores such as Walmart, Target, and Safeway.

4. DO wash your virgin hair on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on dryness.

5. Shampoo and condition your hair from the top working your way down. DO NOT scrunch hair while washing. 

6. After washing, let your virgin hair air dry.

7. DO invest in a Paddle brush and/or wide tooth comb.

8. Brush/comb your virgin hair starting from the BOTTOM working your way UP.

-Combing from the bottom up is a great detangling method.

9. When coloring your virgin hair DO NOT use Box dye!!

-You want to treat your virgin hair with the utmost care. Get your hair professionally dyed or if your a DIY Hairfien use bottle dyes (i.e, Adore, Bigen).

10. BE CONFIDENT. Your Hairfienz virgin hair is just for YOU so rock it like no one else!!